Upcoming Events 2024 Grannies will be presenting at Fridays @ Fettermans December 13th.
Grannies will be presenting at Fridays @ Fettermans December 27th. Trying to get Anna Crusis Women's choir member to join in.
Code Pink Philadelphia Chapter Interest Meeting December 18 @ 7:30pm Register here: WHAT: Philadelphia Area Code Pink Interest Meeting WHEN: December 18, 2024 at 7:30pm WHERE: Zoom (link will be sent once you register below) CONTACT: Linda 610-256-0265
To register or invite others to register for the event with this link:
GPBP has endorsed Friday's @ Fettermans: EVERY FRIDAY... calling on Senator Fetterman to support a ceasefire in Gaza. Outside Senator John Fetterman's Office, 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM. 200 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, speakers, music, donations accepted. The group is currently petitioning the Senator for a meeting to discuss a ceasefire. So far, he has not scheduled a meeting with the group. Please join the group as often as you can so our voices can be heard and a meeting scheduled.
Grannies Linda and Carla of the Justice Seekers will be performing at Fridays at Fettermans on May 3, 2024 singing peace songs and encouraging peaceful protest.
Past Events 2024 Peace Week/Day Philadelphia 2024 9/18/24 & 9/21/24 The Grannies will be tabling at this years Peace Week events! 9/18/24 Ethical Society Philadelphia 6-8pm https://phillyethics.org/ Join us there for speakers and networking with the Philadelphia peace community.
9/21/24 Peace ralley Philadelphia PA Location and events to be provided. Stay tuned! https://www.peacedayphilly.org/events/ June 22 & June 23, 2024 24 Hour Peace Wave (World Beyond War & International Peace Bureau) Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia, in cooperation and coordination with other Philadelphia peace groups, will take part again this year!
Location to be determined. Link to register for the event below: https://worldbeyondwar.org/wave/
4/15/24 11-1pm Tax Day Demonstration Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia will be doing the annual tax day demonstration at the Philadelphia Post Office at Broad and Sansom Streets, Philadelphia
Where do we want our tax dollars to be spent? Come and help us poll passersby and encourage others to advocate against endless war and lobby our representatives for a peace economy.
Please join us especially in light of yesterday's attached and the funding sure to pass the house now for our tax money to fuel endless and potentially catastrophic war.
March 8, 2024 8:30am-1:15pm Cease Fire Now (Sponsored by Fridays @ Fetterman's & The American Friends Service Committee, co-sponsored by GPBP) Teach In, Peace Walk, Vigil for a Ceasefire Arch Street Friends Meeting House 320 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA Register Online at tinyurl.com/FFVigilReg Event Details: tinyurl.com/CeasefireTeach-in
Peace Day Philadelphia GPBP participation at Philadelphia City Hall (North Apron 11:20am-12:30pm)and Rittenhouse Square/Ethical Society (18th and Walnut Streets-11:30am-12:30pm).
We will create a granny event in Philadelphia that will be part of the 24 hour Global Peace Wave 2023. The GPBP will partner with World Beyond War in this global event . Grannies will present l0 minute live stream and protest event communicating our desire to prevent nuclear war & climate chaos.
We want to bring your attention to five bills introduced in Congress. All five bills address nuclear disarmament, but with no co-sponsors from Pennsylvania! WE NEED TO CHANGE THAT!
Please join us to reach out to Senators Fetterman and Casey to co-sponsor S.1186: Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons and other pending legislation to restrict first use and end nuclear proliferation.
August 6 & August 7, 2023
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day GPBP participation/event coming soon!
The Golden Rule Events: 5/10/23 Leafleting at Veterans Memorial Park GPBP members will meet at 108 Spruce Street, Veterans Memorial Park, at 11am. The event is 11-1pm. The GPBP will meet at 11am and be leafleting with the veterans regarding non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Join your grannies Saturday! 5/13/23 A Day of Marching and Celebration for Peace GPBP members will meet at 5th & Market streets at 1:30pm. The GPBP will pass out leaflets/contact information for GPBP, sing the ICAN song, and march for peace to Penn's Landing. From 4-8pm there will also be a concert, food, games, and dancing at Penn's Landing. The GPBP has been invited to sing and speak. If you just want to attend the concert and evening festivities, we will meet at 4pm in front of the entrance to the Hilton Hotel on Penn's Landing.
• MAY 9-13, 2023 join the GPBP as we welcome the peace ship The Golden Rule to Philadelphia (Penns Landing) with signs supporting the non-proliferation treaty, sign songs, and enjoy refreshments and dancing. The event will kick off at the Veterans Memorial 5/10/23, 11am-1pm and end 5/13/23 with a march, concert, speakers, and a dance party on Penns Landing. More details to come about the entire event so be sure to check back here! https://vfpgoldenruleproject.org/
*GPBP Spring Social 2023 Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia wants to thank our members and supporters! April 27, 2023 2-4pm Friends Meeting House 1520 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19102
*Tax Day Event 4/18/2023 Please join us to hand out leaflets and take a poll of where our tax money should go! NW Corner of Sampson and Broad Streets, Philadelphia Post Office 11:30-1pm
People from across the country are mobilizing for a major demonstration at the White House in Washington, D.C. on Saturday March 18 to demand "Peace in Ukraine – Say NO to Endless U.S. Wars” and “Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine.” The danger of global war is growing! The people must act! From Philadelphia:Philadelphia, PABus tickets available soon [email protected] 267-281-3859 *Diplomacy Now…Defuse Nuclear War Peace Observance at Liberty Bell Marking 1 Year Anniversary of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine February 24, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm https://defusenuclearwar.org/Free us from Nuclear Weapons and the Increasing Threat of Nuclear War.Stand with others in Our Place of Liberty as the Bell of Peace Tolls and Our Voice Is Raised. Signs providedLarge Banner & Sign Display, Speakers, National Call-in Day. Together, we can insist on diplomacy not more militarism and the threat of nuclear war.https://www.codepink.org/ukraineOrganizersBrandywine Peace Community Peace Justice Sustainability NOW *Poor People's Campaign https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/june18/?utm_source=CPD&utm_medium=EM&utm_campaign=CPD
Join the march on June 18,2022 in Washington DC Details at link above.
Rally For Ukraine The Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia invites all peace loving peoples to join us for a rally in support of the people of Ukraine, WHEN: Sunday, March 6 2022, 4-6 pm, WHERE: The Peoples' Plaza on Independence Mall, 5th & Market As part of the International Day of Action called for by Code Pink and World Beyond War, we call on Russia to stop the invasion of Ukraine, which was unprovoked, and we call on our government to opt for negotiation and humanitarian aid. (Wear light blue & yellow, in solidarity with the Ukrainian People) List of speakers to be announced. Our co-sponsors include Brandywine Peace Community, Coalition for Peace Action, NJ and PA, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Philadelphia, Code Pink, and Physicians for Social Responsibility (not yet confirmed).
Yearly GPBP Tax Day 2022 Event to be announced soon! Stay tuned and mark your calendar!
Join GPBP Tuesday, December 21, 2021, for two events at City Hall. From 1-3pm, GPBP will be leafleting and signing anti-war themed holiday songs. We will meet at the ice rink at City Hall.
Then, at 4pm on the 21st, join Brandywine Peace Community for a "Peace Vigil Winter Solstice" at the corner of 15th & Market Street. Hold in your heart: "CHRISTMAS means PEACE". Bring your folding chair if you wish to sit.
International Peace Day (Philadelphia) September 21, 2021 Grannies are planning to participate. Stay tuned! EARTH DAY April 22, 2021 Grannies will be in Rittenhouse Square from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM We must do what we can to PROTECT MOTHER EARTH We would like you to join us and carry the message - we want to save the earth. We will have signs and handouts and need your help to reach as many people as we can. We all know that Climate Change is real and we also know that the use of nuclear weapons can destroy all life on earth. To protect Mother Earth, we need to do all we can to stop damaging our planet. Climate Change is a slow, but increasingly rapid is its effects. The use of Nuclear Weapons can result in the death of every living plant and animal on earth - we are included - in a very short time. We will start at the 18th and Walnut - come pick up a sign and handouts. We will have signs, but you can make your own sign, if you prefer - the more visuals, the better!! During this scary time, there are important things you can do right from the safety and comfort of your own home. We are meeting on Zoom twice a month and welcome participants.
Hiroshima Day GPBP will be producing a video shortly to honor the victims and survivors of the atrocities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombings took place on August 6th and August 9th, 1945. There were an estimated 129,000 and 226,000 souls killed. World Beyond War: Divest, Disarm, Demilitarize Register for these upcoming on- line events #NoWar2020 Virtual Events#NoWar2020 is going online this May 28-30, 2020! Due to the cancellation of CANSEC and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we’re turning #NoWar2020, World BEYOND War’s 5th annual global conference, into a series of online sessions. On Day 1 on May 28 at 12pm-2pm Eastern Time, Mary-Wynne Ashford will lead a virtual workshop on “Nonviolence Strategies – 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror, and War”. Click here to register for the workshop! Day 2 on May 29 will include 2 online panel presentations. From 3pm-4:30pm Eastern Time, Te Ao Pritchard, Siana Bangura, Richard Sanders, and Colin Stuart will speak about how to shut down a weapons expo. Then from 4:30pm-6pm Eastern Time, we’ll hear from Tamara Lorincz, Brent Patterson, and Simon Black about conversion from a war to peace economy. Click here to register for Day 2! Day 3 on May 30 from 3pm-5pm Eastern Time will be a virtual anti-war activists open mic session. We’ll hear live music from the Ottawa Raging Grannies and Sandy Greenberg, along with reports from World BEYOND War chapter coordinators around the world. Come to listen and to share your music, poetry, activism, and more. Click here to register for the open mic session!
3-We want our money for COVID care and solutions not more war!!!! Call Congress today!!!! Two of our most trusted allies in Congress, Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA-13) and Mark Pocan (D-WI-2) have drafted a letter to the House Armed Services Committee chair Adam Smith (D-WA-9) and the ranking member Mac Thornberry (R-TX-13) urging them to draft a Pentagon budget below last year’s $740 billion levels as we fight this global pandemic. We need to ensure that we get as many members of Congress to add their names in support of the Pocan/Lee letter. Please call your Rep. today and demand they add their name. 1. Call the Congressional switchboard at 1-202-224-3121 2. Ask to be connected to your representative’s office 3. Once connected, say: Hello, my name is (your name) and I am a voting constituent from (your city). I am calling to urge the representative to add his/her name to the Pocan/Lee letter calling to pass a Pentagon budget this year that’s reduced from last year. America needs a coronavirus cure, not more war. We need more testing, not more bombs. In order to reopen our nation in a safe manner, we need to focus our spending efforts on the millions of additional coronavirus tests, as well as covering treatment costs, developing therapeutics, and distributing future vaccines. I look forward to hearing the representative’s response to my request.
4-Gather With Us To ActOur people are hurting in this global pandemic, and it's time that we came together to form a plan for action. Join us at this POWER-wide virtual assembly to decide our response to the coronavirus and the injustices of our failed systems. We will move together as one people to act for equity! Register here! And login in on May 19 with this Zoom information: POWER Interfaith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: "Leadership Assembly: COVID Response" Time: May 19, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91085111760?pwd=Ym9YZSt5RnV0Z2hvTnBZV3JRZE9Gdz09 GPBP Keystone Progress - Progressive Summit 2020 March 6, 5:00 PM to Saturday, March 7, 5:00 PM 2020 at the Marriott Downtown at 1200 Filbert . This meeting will bring hundred of activists, grassroots leader, movers and shakers together. For more information, please click on https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-progressive-summit-tickets-86031393213
January 2020 Protests! Sunday 1/26 3PM, South Philly Library (1700 S. Broad St) Mass Meeting to wrestle with and make plans for how to put demand Trump/Pence #OutNow on the map, on a whole new level, and organize protests the night before the Senate votes on hearing essential witnesses in Trump's trial for removal.Facebook Event Tuesday 1/28Wildwood Convention Center 3PM Protest outside Trump’s rally! Demand: the whole regime must go now! #OutNow. Facebook Event Wednesday 1/295:30PM City Hall- Dilworth Plaza Protest amidst the Sense Trial demanding Trump/Pence #OutNow Facebook Even
January 18, 2020 Annual Philadelphia Women's March Event Location: Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 10am-2pm Grannies will meet in front of the Academy of Natural Sciences at 10am for singing, leafleting, and marching.
January 19, 2020 GPBP - Important event GPBP is sponsoring The film "The Beginning of the End of NuclearWeapons" will be shown at the Ethical Cultural Society at 1906 Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. The film will be shown at 2:00 PM and we hope many Grannies will be there to see this important film. Philadelphia Ethical Society leader, Hugh Taft-Morales, will open and welcome the audience. From WILPF, Marge or Tina will introduce the film “ The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons. After the film there will be a discussion led by PES leader Hugh. Then each sponsoring group (GPBP is a sponsoring Group) will have five minutes to share what work they are doing. We will ask a young person from the High School for Peace and Justice to read a poem about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then we will encourage the audience to sign the UN treaty petition and write post cards to our UN ambassador.
January 10,2020 Coalition for Peace Action Pennsylvania is cohosting an anti-war "Reach-Out" with the Brandywine Peace Community and the PA Nuclear Ban Alliance. Join us this Friday, Jan. 10,4 p.m., at 30th Street Train Station, the corner of 30th & Markets.
No War on Iran! Protest! Day of no war action! WHEN: Thursday, January 9 at 5 p.m. WHERE: Dilworth Plaza Philadelphia, PA 19102 Trump's murderous actions are escalating towards all-out war, with catastrophic consequences for the people of Iran, Iraq, and the world. Every Day that the Trump/Pence regime remains in power threatens the future of humanity and the planet. Our power is the power of the people acting with determination—not to protest one day and go home, but flood the streets, with people of many different points of view acting together, in sustained nonviolent protest—starting in our hundreds, soon becoming thousands, and ultimately millions—refusing to stop. Join us in a Rally and March at Dilworth Plaza.
January 4, 2020 CODEPINK and other groups have put out a call to action this Saturday the 4th to mobilize in rage against the Trump regime's recent escalation towards the Iraqi people, potentially opening the door for another bloody chapter in US domination over the country.
There is an action planned at Philly City Hall from noon to 1pm. If anyone is able to go and participate it would help strengthen the national movement against another US intervention. Here is the link to the action:
UN Nuclear Ban Treaty Join Us!!!! Saturday, November 23, Noon - 3:00 p.m., At Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral Basilica Basilica in Phila., (head church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia,) 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, on the east side of Logan Square in Philadelphia. Banners, signs, and bell-tolling. First Public Reading of the recently adopted Phila. City Council in support of the UN Nuclear Ban Treaty. Concluding readings, song, and reflection in repentance for all the victims of nuclear weapons.
THEN! Saturday, Nov. 23rd: 3 PM to 6 PM Vigil peacefully outside the St. Patrick's Cathedral, 5th Avenue @ 50th St. Organizers will have signs, and hand out leaflets supporting and echoing the Pope's message, calling on increased awareness of all. Supporting the various measures in NYC. (There is 5:30 Mass, which some will attend, as vigil continues outside). Cardinal Dolan's office has been asked to include the Pope's message in the homilies of this weekend.
Sunday, Nov. 24th: 8:45 AM to 12 Noon Vigil peacefully outside and around St. Patrick's Cathedral. 5th Avenue @ 50th St. (same as above) High mass is 10:30, some might attend.
People may come earlier and stay later as they desire, or make part, but we welcome you to all and please, spread the word. Sunday Masses at the Cathedral go on all morning, a steady flow of people from 6:30 AM until 2 PM, along with holiday tourists. Vote on UN Nuclear Ban Treaty Thursday 10/31/19 Join us Thursday at City Hall!!!! Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia will be listed as a supporter of the Philadelphia City Council resolution in support of the UN Nuclear Ban Treaty.
The resolution was written and introduced to Philadelphia City Council by City Council person at-large Helen Gym this past Thursday, see attached for the full text. The resolution, being co-sponsored: Mark Squilla, Derek Green, and Cindy Bass, will be brought up for vote this coming Thursday, October 31 (yes Halloween), 10a.m., in Phila City Council room 400.
We are hoping for a visible presence on Thursday at City Council. We'll be gathering prior to city council at about 9a.m. at the northeast side of City Hall, with posters and visuals. http://phlcouncil.com/visiting-city-council/
Nancy Pelosi is coming to town! Nov. 1, 2019, 7 – 9 PM, Nancy Pelosi will be at the Convention Center to speak. The event is a fund raiser so it is invitation only. The press will be there, which makes this a good opportunity to wave signs outside in support of your heart’s desire be it medicare for all-HR 1384/#M4A, no first use of nuclear weapons-HR 921, refugee detention centers, IMPEACH, whatever.
Count the Nuclear Weapons Money – Oct. 24, 2019 12-1pm City Hall Philadelphia Courtyard Join us in the court yard. Philadelphia will join a global action designed to demonstrate the amount of money spent on nuclear weapons, on Thursday, October 24th, at noon, in City Hall Courtyard, when the Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia invites all to "Count the Nuclear Weapons Money". One of our grannies will be in NYC counting 1 trillion dollars. Hope to show how this money could be reallocated to social programs – people will be counting in England, New Zealand, and other countries. Philadelphia grannies plan to be a satellite counting site on Oct. 24th. Raging grannies in NY – will also be counting – we’ll be given paper 1 million dollar bills. The website is Count The Nuclear Weapons Money 24-30 October 2019 New York - www.nuclearweaponsmoney.org [email protected] www.facebook.com/pg/CTNWM What the action will look like (TIME FRAME 11:20-1PM then off to Rittenhouse Square) •We will meet in City Hall courtyard at ll:20, walking over from our Granny meeting at Friends Center. 1. Two people will be sitting at a card table counting $1 million dollar bills out loud and simultaneously (ONE MILLION, TWO MILLION………………….up to 25 MILLION) They will pile the bills in front of them and rubber band or clothespin groups together (every l0 or 20 or 30). The rubber-banded piles will grow as the hour goes on. 2. Every 5 minutes all the Grannies present will sing: WE ARE A GAGGLE OF GRANNIES URGING YOU OFF OF YOUR FANNIES WE’RE TELLING YOU NOW WE’RE ANGRY AND HOW NO MORE NUKES! POSSIBLE 2nd verse WITH ALL THAT GOVERNMENT SPENDING TO CREATE WEAPONS THAT ARE UNENDING WE’RE GOING FOR BROKE THIS ISN’T A JOKE NO MORE NUKES 3. 2-3 GRANNIES will be standing behind those counting or next to them with our posters/signs 4. Other Grannies will be talking to people walking by, explaining what we are doing and why and giving them an action leaflet 5. We’ll ask people to go up to the poster that lists social needs and ask them to attach a dot sticker or post- it next to 1-2 social needs they most want the money to be spent on
Rage Against the War Machine March Save the date Friday Oct 11, 2019 Rage Against the War Machine March on the White House Peace "Day" Events Some of the below events require registration at: http://www.peacedayphilly.org/events/
Wed Sept 18th 5:00-6:30pm McNeil Building, Room 286 3718 Locust Walk, University of Pennsylvania Part of the Fall International Social Policy & Social Work Speaker Series, panelist will discuss how their work and research connects to peace and helps us create and sustain peaceful communities.
The nuclear ban treaty-The path forward Thursday, September 19 10am – 4:00pm Perry World House 3803 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104 The Coalition for Peace Action’s (CFPA) Pennsylvania Chapter is hosting, along with co-sponsors, a day-long conference about nuclear issues. In the morning there will be workshops, and there will be an afternoon keynote and panel discussion. Speakers will include We are delighted to hear from speakers such as Dr. Elaine Scarry, author of Thermonuclear Monarchy, and Joe Cirincione, Ploughshares Fund President.
La Ofrenda: An Exhibition/Installation Open House Thursday, September 19 5:00 – 7:00 pm 1135 S. 9th Street, Philadelphia Across diverse communities and throughout the world, altars have been spaces for veneration and introspection. They are structures that assist individuals and communities during moments of celebration as well as during times of need or despair. The Philadelphia Folklore Project’s La Ofrenda initiative captures the stories of hope, resilience, faith, fear and strength that are the pillars of altar-making practices within Mexican immigrant homes in our city. Renowned artist César Viveros has collected the stories behind the altars of local community members as a way to preserve and celebrate a sense of belonging.
Peacebuilders Panel: Effectively Building Peace In Our World Thursday, September 19, 2019 6:00 – 7:30pm Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia - What are some of the pivotal challenges for peace builders? – What strategies are most successful for building peace locally and globally? – How does environmental justice play a role securing a more peaceful world? Panelists with diverse perspectives will share their diverse stories of striving to be effective agents of change.
Annual Sing Along For Peace Friday, September 20, 2019 6pm – 6:45pm Outside the Philadelphia Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Sq. Join us for the 9th annual sing along for peace! An upbeat community gathering with meaningful songs of peace new and classic. Lyrics provided.
Before the Flood Film Screening Friday, September 20, 2019 7:00pm – 8:30pm Philadelphia Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square (Northwest corner of the square)Pay what you will to benefit 350.org. “Before the Flood” features Leonardo DiCaprio on a journey as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, traveling to five continents and the Arctic to witness climate change firsthand. He goes on expeditions with scientists uncovering the reality of climate change and meets with political leaders fighting against inaction. He also discovers a calculated disinformation campaign orchestrated by powerful special interests working to confuse the public about the urgency of the growing climate crisis.
Peace Day Philly 2019 Gathering Saturday, September 21, 2019 (Peace Day) 11:20am – 12:20pm Center of Rittenhouse Square 18th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia JOIN US as we observe the International Day of Peace. Music, special guests, global messages and the minute of silence at 12 noon (worldwide action in all timezones).
Prayers For Peace Saturday, September 21, 2019 12noon – 8:00pm Chenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia 954 North Marshall Street, Philadelphia (Free parking in lot behind the Center.) The Chenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia (CTBC) is very excited to host our 2nd annual Prayers for PeaceMantra-thon on Saturday, September 21 from 12:00-8:00 pm. Prayers for Peace is in honor of the U.N. International Day of Peace and Peace Day Philly. Our Mantra-thon is intended to give and receive blessings that create the conditions for peace for ourselves, our beloved City and the world. With a strong intention for peace and a prolonged chanting of powerful mantras over eight hours in a sacred space by a group of practitioners, one can experience a heightened sense of awareness, compassion and inner calm that plants the seeds of love. It’s an experience not to be missed! You are welcome to come and leave at anytime during the Mantra-thon.
Saturday, September 21 2pm – 6pm Mifflin Square Park, 6th and Ritner Streets 2:00pm – Messages of Peace and Wellness for our communities 2:30pm – Park clean up 3:30pm – Performance 3:30pm – Vendors and music
The Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia invite all peace-loving people to join us for International Day Against Nuclear Tests, on Thursday; August 29th, at 10:45 am on the West side of City Hall. We will give out leaflets urging citizens to take action in support of the no-first-nuclear-strike bills in Congress. We will observe a moment of silence at 11:05am. Our leaflets will call for action to support the no-first-nuclear-strike bills in Congress, and we will talk to passersby about the threat of nuclear war. We plan to have a banner and signs and we encourage you to bring the same if you wish.
August 18, 2019 Wooden Shoe Books and Records 704 South St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147 Join the Divest Philly from the War Machine Coalition for our next campaign planning meeting! We'll discuss the campaign to divest the city of Philadelphia's pension fund from nuclear weapons. And we'll make an action plan for flyering, petitioning, organizational outreach, and other tactics to build awareness and collect signatures in support of the campaign.
September 19,2019 PNBA Peace Day Symposium at Perry World House. Grannies are a sponsor.
July 4th Parade Meet at 6th and Market 11 AM. New leaflet on Iran, nuclear weapons, and humane treatment of all immigrants, adults and children.
May 4, 2019 Join us!!! Mt Airy Day on May 4th-Grannies plan to be there giving out their flyers and talking to folks! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4th--the 49th annual Mt. Airy Day celebration will take place on Cliveden's grounds-6401 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19144- from 11 AM to 5 PM! For more information, visitwww.mtairyday.org.
May 11, 2019 Secure Protect and Expand the Vote Saturday 2-4pm Haverford Township Free Library 1601 Darby Road Havertown, PA Join Let People Vote SEPA and Indivisible with speakers and musical guests The Justice Seekers (Linda Battiste and Carla Mariani) to defend our democracy's greatest asset, the right to vote! Find out how you can help a fair 2020 election.
Tax Day Demonstration 2019 is April 15th! Join Your Grannies 11-1pm! Don't you wish you could select where your tax dollars would be spent? April 15, Members of the Granny Peace Brigade and friends will be outside the post office on Broad & Sansom Streets asking passers-by to show their choice. Granny's will give out a coin and invite people to select where they would like their tax dollars to be spent. We will be showing how the administration wants to spend our tax dollars and work to engage people in discussions about their choices. These results will be sent to local representatives.
March 31, 2019 Imagine Health Care for Everyone, Explore the Possibilities 3-5pm Unitarian Universality Church of Delaware County 145 Rose Tree Rd Media, PA 19063 A panel discussion, with art and music, to gain a better understanding of our options for universal coverage.
March 21, 2019 Please join your grannies and share this post! Helen Gym is hosting a forum on Thursday, March 21st, at 2 pm in Room 576 of City Hall. Focus will be on “Dismantling Democracy” and the author of the book by that name will be the featured speaker.
February 24th, Vigil at the Berks County Detention Center On Sunday, February 24th, Indivisible Berks will be leading a vigil at the Berks County Detention Center. We are calling on all Pennsylvanians who believe family detention is wrong to join us that day.
January 19, 2019 Third Annual Women's March (Philadelphia) January 19, 2019 10am-1pm Ben Franklin Parkway Mark your calendar! (Granny members will be meeting at 20th and Parkway, on the corner next to The Barnes Foundation)
January 21, 2019 Meet up at Noon Day of Nonviolent Action at Lockheed Martin 230 Mall Boulevard Kind of Prussia, PA (off the intersection of Mall & Goddard Boulevards, behind Kind of Prussia Mall, at drive way entrance across from movie theater)
January 21, 2019 Power Legislation Assembly Demonstration for a Living Wage Martin Luther King Day Meet up at 11:30am McDonalds's, 29 East Chelten Ave, Philadelphia
December 1, 2018 Code PINK Summit on Peace with Iran Saturday the 1st, 9 to 5 Washington, DC, Sliding scale $10 - $100 Go to https://www.codepink.org for information and registration
November 8, 2018 URGENT PROTEST TODAY AGAIST PRESIDENTIAL OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!!!! We anticipated this day for some time and it is here. Trump has fired Jeff Sessions to control the Mueller investigation and install a Trump loyalist. 900 protests will happen today 11/8/18 at 5pm. Please use this link to find the protest near you by zip code. www.trumpisnotabovethelaw.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response/search/
November 11, 2018 Coalition for Peace Action 39th Annual Conference and Multi-faith Service for Peace Sunday November 11, 2018, Princeton, NJ, 11-5pm with service and conference. Cost is $50 for non-members. Ed Aguilar is the Philadelphia representative and Rev Jesse Jackson is presenting.
URGENT October 30, 2018 Message out to all Grannies! Councilwoman Helen Gym is asking Grannies and friends to show up in City Council on Tuesday, October 30th, at 2 pm, with signs, for a hearing in support of her Resolution calling for a Fair Work Week. A Fair Work Week means that employers (of a certain size) will be required to schedule work hours at least two weeks in advance, so that employees can plan ahead (for things like child care, school attendance, and other responsibilities). The Councilwoman is asking us to bring signs!
October 2018 Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 11/9 is out in theaters! Please go see this move and take your friends. In some places there are suspiciously limited show times (10pm). Protest. Write the theater distributer, and show up late anyway. Start discussion groups. Post on social media. This movie is VERY important to the movement and the vote. Thank you!
November 6, 2018 Vote! Vote! Vote! Exercise your right and vote!
October 9, 2018 The World Today presents “On the (Il)Legality of Drone Strikes” featuring Visiting Scholar Craig Martin When: Tuesday, October 9, 2018, 4:30-5:30PM Where: Global Policy Lab at Perry World House, 3803 Locust Walk, University of Pennsylvania Questions: Contact us at [email protected] ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Craig Martin A professor of law at Washburn University School of Law and Co-Director of the Washburn Law International and Comparative Law Center, Martin's primary scholarly interest is in deepening our understanding of the interrelated legal systems that govern the different facets of armed conflict—namely, the jus ad bellum, international humanitarian law, and constitutional war powers—with the goal of developing a more coherent and principled explanation for how these regimes interact and operate as a single overarching system.
World Beyond War is planning an annual global conference in Toronto on September 21 and 22, 2018, at OCAD University (Ontario College of Art and Design University). We hope to help bring peace movements from Canada, the United States, and elsewhere more closely together. You say you’re against war, but what’s the alternative? Let’s design and build an alternative system of global governance – one in which peace is pursued by peaceful means. Learn how at #NoWar2018!
Saturday September 22, 2018 – In connection to the opening of the exhibit “Bury Our Weapons, Not Our Bodies” – GPBP may be in the procession. The Contemporary Art Department at the Philadelphia Museum of Art presents Bury Our Weapons, Not Our Bodies!, a public performance that is part of a landmark solo exhibition featuring the work of internationally acclaimed artist Yael Bartana. Engaging the themes of nationhood, belonging, and memory—concepts that are integral to the artist’s work—this performance aims to make visible the weapons both literal and metaphorical that perpetuate systems of violence and displacement in the world today. As the title suggests, the performance will invite these weapons to be collectively buried in a public memorial at a central Philadelphia location. Next Thursday! Please try to join Indivisible Philadelphia to strategize how to get the vote out. May 10th is spectacularly important. In this meeting, we're taking the first step into Indivisible’s “Get Out The Vote” strategy for 2018. We have three fantastic speakers who will help us become insanely effective at voter outreach. We'll learn about smart targeting, best ways to establish contact, and how to get people registered. Doors open at 6:15PM, May 10, 2018, Church of the Holy Trinity (1904 Walnut Street). Event is from 6:30PM- 8:30PM. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/get-the-vote-out-indivisible-philadelphia-may-10th-meeting-tickets-45083660442 They would like an RSVP on the link above. Peace and Nuclear Disarmament Conference, NYC (Register Now Seating Limited) Saturday, May 12, 10-4, Some Grannies are planning to attend. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdt4ACj04E4C7sOK0qkZNVhC95Xvyn7EKj6O3BSf9vtIEiJzA/viewform Judson Memorial Church at 55 Washington Square South and Thompson Street. No fees involved.At this time of multiple crises, we are bringing together among the world’s most thoughtful and experienced foreign, military and nuclear policy analysists to discuss increasingly dangerous great power tensions, background and diplomatic options to the Trump-Korea crisis – with Iran on its way, the state of the nuclear arms races, and paths to greater peace and nuclear disarmament.
Zia Mian: Raising the Risk of Nuclear War: US, Russia, North Korea, Iran Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 7 pm Yarnall Auditorium, Germantown Friends Mtg. 31 W. Coulter St. Philadelphia, PA
PROTEST AT PENN Friday, April 27, Noon, 34th & Walnut Streets, Phila.,PA CUT PENN’S TIES TO ENDLESS WAR Protest UPenn’s connection to the Vanguard Group (a $3 trillion investment firm) whose top investments are in the U.S. military-industrial complex of Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, and Boeing, fueling the unrelenting policy of endless war, drone attacks, and nuclear weapons production. The Vanguard Group also invests in The Corrections Corporation of America, the largest for-profit private prison building company, as well as the Smith & Wesson and Sturm-Ruger firearm manufacturers. Thousands of people from around the world will be at the University of Pennsylvania for the Penn Relays, April 26-28. We'll have a message on April 27 for UPenn's president, Amy Guttman, who makes millions of dollars as the University's president and as a board member of the Vanguard Group. We appeal to Ms. Guttman to take a public stand against the Vanguard Group’s investments in war, mass incarceration, and the small arms trade.
Mt. Airy Day Germantown Ave. & Johnson St. Saturday, May 5, 2018 10-6, Grannies will be sharing a table with WILPF. Please stop by and join us leafleting.
Annual Sojourner Truth Walk Saturday/Sunday, May 5-6th, 2018 Clark Park. 9:30am-1:30pm
Dances of Universal Peace Ethical Society (Facilitated by Granny Elle Rader) Sunday, May 6, 2018 5-7 pm
Thursday, April 19, 2018 City Council Mtg., No First Strike resolution vote. 10 AM, City Hall. Please be there!!
Collaborator Assembly Sunday, April 22, 2018 12-5 pm, location TBA
Negotiate, Don't Escalate! End U.S. Militarism in Korea Great Speaker Coming To Philadelphia! Speaker: Ann Wright (Retired Army Colonel, Former Foreign Diplomat, Anti-War Activist, Peace Advocate) Date and Time: April 8 (Sunday), 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Location: Calvary Church (Lower Level) 801 S. 48th Street, Philadelphia
Ann Wright will discuss her participation in North Korea and South Korea with Women Cross DMZ and more recent Women's Forum at meeting of Foreign Ministers in Vancouver--and her participation in the January 2018 International Peace Conference in South Korea.
Tax Day Demonstration Join the GPBP and WILPF at the Broad and Sansom Street Post Office, Center City Philadelphia April 17, 2018 (Tax Day) 11-1pm We will be polling passersby regarding how to spend our tax money. GPBP sends the poll results to local leaders. Don't miss the photo opportunity with our own Uncle Sam!!!!
March for Our Lives (Philadelphia) March 24, 2018 We march in support of the March for Our Lives in D.C. and other marches across the globe. We ask that you assemble at 9:30am in downtown Philadelphia at the intersection of 5th and Market Streets. The march to begin promptly at 10am and end at Lombard Circle (Columbus Blvd) for a rally packed with powerful speaker and live entertainment.
NOTE: We will meet Saturday the 24th for the March For Our Lives - please meet up with us at the National Museum of American Jewish History at 5th and Market at 9:30AM.
Table at Democracy Forum March 3, 2018 1-4pm First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia 2125 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA. Grannies will have a table there with banner and literature. Come if you can. "Join the Democracy Movement" is the theme of the event.
International Women's Day Demonstration March 8, 2018 12th & Arch Streets Philadelphia, PA Demonstration for International Woman's Day - leafletting to call for Congress to pass the “no first strike” bills to prevent the President making first use of a nuclear weapon. We will be leafletting outside of the Flower Show in honor of International Women’s Day. Grannies will probably get there by 12:30. Several grannies will walk over to the corner of 12th and Arch after the GPBP meeting. People who can not get to the meeting, can join us there around 12:30pm. We will handing out leaflets and a flower, and talking about peace.
Women's March, January 20, 2018 on Benjamin Franklin Parkway 10:00-3pm 10:30am - gather at Aviator Park/Logan Square (Grannies gathering at 10am, northwest corner of 20th and Parkway) Look for yellow banner/clothing accents, near Philadelphia Library 11am - marching from Logan Square to Eakins Oval 12pm - Rally with speakers and performers kick off https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-march-on-philadelphia-2018-tickets-41102604998 Tickets for head count only. This even is Free! Spread the word! "Due to the projected size and scope of the 2018 Women’s March on Philadelphia on January 20th, 2018, the City will be implementing some additional security measures in order to ensure the safety of all in attendance. Event attendees can enter the march assembly area at Logan Circle at the following locations: * 18th Street & Benjamin Franklin Parkway * 20th & Race Streets * 20th & Vine Streets Event attendees wishing to attend only the rally portion of the event may access Eakins Oval and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway at the following additional locations: * 22nd Street & Benjamin Franklin Parkway (north and south sides) * Pennsylvania Avenue & Spring Garden Street * 25th Street & Kelly Drive * Eakins Oval (south side, near 24th Street)
Attendees may be subject to searches before being permitted inside the venue. December 7 at 30th Street Station - Elders stand together 12:00 to 1:00 on the environment POWER is sponsor of this event. We urge Grannies and friends to be there in support.
Focus on Sanctuary City - Dec. 9, 2017 1:00 Germantown Jewish Center. Come at 12:30 for a snack. The Center is at 400 W. Ellet St. Philadelphia. All Grannies are invited to this event.
Dec. 10th - Philadelphia Assembled in the Perelman Building closes - On Sunday December 10th (closing day) there will be a Marketplace, 10 am to 4 pm, with crafts and arts and stuff - and activists. This is the day ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons - will receive the Nobel Peace Prize!!
December 15, 2017 - Grannies to appear at 3:30pm on the stage at Christmas Village - we will come before the 4:00 Singing City.
November 21 - Tuesdays with Toomey is moving to 20th and Market this week only. We will gather in front of Sen. Bob Casey’s office at 12:20 pm to thank him for his efforts. And, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we will be collecting canned goods. November 28, Tuesday - 7:00 to 8:30 PM- FRACKING: MONEY & POLITICS with special guest Rep. Greg Vitali. Join us for an evening of discussion about fracking for natural gas and its associated impacts on environmental and human health. Guest Speaker Representative Greg Vitali, Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, will present his"Marcellus Money and the Pennsylvania Legislature Report" demonstrating the amount of money spent by the gas drilling industry on our elected officials and illustrating the policy consequences of lobbyist influence. Rep. Vitali hails from the 166th Legislative District (serving parts of Delaware and Montgomery Counties), where he has been a champion of the environment since 1992.
This program is co-hosted by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF - Greater Philadelphia Branch), and the Weavers Way Co-op's Environment Committee. ~ FREE. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION:WWW.WEAVERSWAY.COOP/EVENTS Or [email protected]
November 30, Thursday - Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia meeting at Friends Center at 15th and Cherry from 10:00 to noon. Please send agenda items to Lois Durso at [email protected]
December 2nd - at Philadelphia Assembled - Climate Change day and there will be a series of presentations and workshops.December 5th - Lobby Day in D.C. Coalition for Peace Action. www.peacecoalition.orgMore information about this day coming soon.
HealthCare 4 All Please spread the word about HealthCare 4 All, PA's end of the year reception to meet single payer activists from across the state, enjoy refreshments, and learn more about victories this year in the fight for single payer! What's striking is that of the eleven countries ahead of the U.S. in economic freedom, ten have achieved universal coverage. The reception will be held on Saturday, December 2nd from 5-7 PM in the Chapel of Arch Street Methodist Church (55 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia).
TURN PA BLUE! WE ENDORSE THESE EFFORTS! Call to Volunteer Events For the past year, we have watched our country embark on a path that is almost unrecognizable. We are painfully aware the the rights and freedoms that we enjoy as Americans can not be taken for granted. The greatest power we possess as Americans is our power to VOTE. That's why we need to make sure Election Day gets the recognition it deserves! November 7th is a day to serve and celebrate our democracy! What will you do? Here are some ideas: Vote! - Most importantly, of course, is that you need to VOTE! To do that, you need to confirm that there are no problems with your voter registration and that you know where your polling place is. You can find that Here Absentee Ballots - Absentee ballot deadline is 10/31. Will you or a family member be away or away at college? Get your absentee ballot here: Here Outreach - Reach out to all the Dems, Independents and frustrated Republicans you know and make sure they vote. Talk to your neighbors, family, friends. Social Media - Create a Facebook event called "Election Day" and invite them to it - it will send out an automatic reminder to go out and vote on November 7th. Volunteer - Volunteer to work the polls or be a greeter at your polling place. Here’s some contact info for some of our local counties. If yours isn’t listed, you can find the information about your county: HERE Montgomery County: Jackie Anderson at [email protected], 610-278-3280 (Training Schedule) Chester County: Nancy Lorback, [email protected], 610-692-5811 Delaware County: Colleen Guiney, [email protected] (Volunteer signup) Bucks County Volunteer Sign Up Help & Support - Offer to babysit for a friend or family member so they can work the polls. Take shifts! Celebrate Democracy - Make plans with friends to meet at a local restaurant or bar to celebrate our democracy! Maybe you can even talk the owner into have a special drink price for everyone with an “I Voted” Sticker. Give Rides - Check in with your neighbors or people in your local community to see if they need rides to the polls. Check out these websites: http://carpoolvote.com/ and https://myridetovote.org/ Phone Bank - Before Election Day, you can help by doing the GOTV Virtual Phone Bank for Slate of Eight Judicial Races
Past Events 2016-2017
Tuesdays with Toomey (Ongoing) Every Tuesday, 2nd & Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 12:20ish to around 1pm
Philadelphia Assembled (PHLA) presents Celebrating Activism, a Forum Hosted by Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia The GPBP is hosting a forum to bring together leading activists/groups in the Philadelphia area for discussion and action planning. The forum will feature poet/activist Sonia Sanchez, the Rev. Gregory Holston, Executive Director, POWER, and others, and will be moderated by City Councilwoman Helen Gym. We will be posting a flyer shortly with details. Mark your calendars and please spread the word! The Forum is presented in collaboration with Philadelphia Assembled. Sunday, October 29, 2017 12-5pm Perelman Building (Across from Philadelphia Museum of Art) 2525 Pennsylvania Avenue Philadelphia Forum is presented in collaboration with Philadelphia Assembled at the Perelman Building of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Color of Law Lecture LaSalle University in Philadelphia welcomes Richard Rothstein to discuss and sign, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America Tuesday, October 10, 2017 6:00 p.m. Founders' Hall Auditorium 723 North Wister Street, Philadelphia, PA 19141 This event is free!
One of our grannies is going to speak briefly at the Tuesday with Toomey rally 8/1/17, 2nd & Chestnut St., 12:20-ish to around 1pm. The topic will be health care. Granny Joan will be speaking on universal coverage for all.
Book Review & Speaker Thursday, July 27, 2017 7:30pm Lawrence Wright will speak at the main library on his book "The Terror Years from al Qaeda to the Islamic State". It is free. Grannies may be in attendance handing out literature
Film Showing Now Is the Time: Healthcare for Everybody, a documentary film by Terry Sterrenberg and Laurie Simons interviews healthcare workers and activists across the country fighting to fix America’s broken healthcare system.
THURSDAY JULY 20, 2017 6-9 PM Friends Center 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia MLK Meeting Room
On the Fourth of July, the Grannies will be at Independence Hall We will meet at the SW corner of 5th and Walnut St. at 9:30 AM. Dress without messages. There will be a stage in front of Independence Hall with Military personnel presenting someone with an award and a military parade. We will raise our banners with a message to Honor our Veterans and put and end to war. We are planning to be there rain or shine - bring umbrellas, if necessary.
On Thursday, June 29 the Grannies will be at the Constitution Center as part of the Fourth of July Celebration. WaWa will hand out free hoagies and Grannies will distribute fortune cookies with our message HONOR VETERANS...NO MORE WAR on one side of the fortune enclosed with our address on the reverse side. Participating Grannies will assemble in front of the Center at 10 a.m. and be there until about 1p.m. We urge you to please join us to engage in conversation with the multitudes to hand out cookies and leaflets, eat hoagies and see the Constitution Center for free. It is a perfect opportunity to get our message out. We are planning to be there rain or shine - bring umbrellas, if necessary.
Town Hall Meeting with Toomey Have your voice heard on medicaid cuts, increased spending on defense, and other draconian budget initiatives by visiting town hall meetings! Town Hall Mtg With or Without Pat Toomey Thursday, June 01 2017 at 6:00 PM, EDT Doors will open at 6pm. The town hall meeting starts at 6:30pm and ends at 8pm. Sponsored by the Indivisible Groups in the greater Philadelphia region. The Church of the Holy Trinity, Rittenhouse Square 1904 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Chelsea Manning Release Rally There will be a rally to celebrate Chelsea Manning's release from prison across from City Hall between 4:30PM to 6:30PM tomorrow 5/16/17.
Please join us on Mother's Day! GPBP will be taking an anti-war stroll in various places in Philadelphia this Sunday, Mother's Day. We will be handing out these flyers and promoting the true meaning of Mother's Day. If you would like to join us, we will meet up at 18th & Walnut, the southwest corner of Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, at 11am.
Philly People's Climate March YES Philadelphia is one of 400 cities having a sister march to the Washington Climate March! April 29, 2017 • 1:00 PM Philadelphia City Hall 1401 John F Kennedy Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19102 (Meet up at 12:45pm, 15th Street side of Thomas Paine Plaza, in front of the Municipal Services Building)
March for Science April 22, 2017, 11am to 2pm Earth Day Independence Mall Philadelphia (sister to DC march) Route being negotiated with city of Philadelphia For those interested in the Science March this weekend: In Philadelphia, Saturday’s permit calls for marchers to assemble starting at 10 a.m. at City Hall, on the Juniper Street side. They’ll walk down Market Street at 11 a.m. and turn right onto Front Street. From there, they’ll march to Chestnut before turning toward Penn’s Landing, where a rally will run from about noon to 2 p.m. http://sciencemarchphl.strikingly.com/
Tax Day Demonstration by GPBP Tuesday, April 18th Broad and Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA (Post Office) The action commences at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in front of the Broad and Sansom Street post office. Passerby will be invited to put coins, which we will give to them, in jars labeled Military, Education, Health and asked to indicate their preference as to how they want their tax dollars spent by placing the coins in one of the containers. The grannies have carried out this non-scientific poll for many years. This year the grannies will give specific attention to nuclear weapons spending.
March 8th International Women’s Strike “A Day Without A Woman” Saturday, Feb 18th, 2-3:30pm (Planning Meeting) (New) Crossroads Women’s Center 5011 Wayne Ave, Philadelphia PA 19144 Wheelchair accessible Global Women’s Strike/Philly [email protected] 215-848-1120
Protest Action at Wells Fargo Dakota Access Pipeline Join us in targeting the banks funding Dakota Access Pipeline and the Sheriff Departments that have been brutalizing peaceful water protectors. NoDAPL Protest @ Wells Fargo Start: February 03, 2017 - 3:00 PM Wells Fargo 123 S. Broad St Philadelphia , PA 19109 Host Contact Info: [email protected]
Women's March on Philadelphia January 21, 2017 Ben Franklin Parkway (grannies and friends to meet 9:45am on south side of Swann Memorial Fountain in front of the Academy of Natural Sciences see yellow banner) 10am-3pm (March starts at 10am from Logan Square to Eakins Oval in front of Art Museum and rally at Eakins Oval 12-3pm) On January 21, as many as 20,000 people are expected to attend theWomen’s March on Philadelphia as part of a “sister march” to the Women’s March on Washington taking place the same day in Washington, DC. January 21, 2017 is, of course, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States.What’s incredible about these events, and the sister marches scheduled to take place all over the world, is that they are truly grassroots endeavors. People are simply fed up, and eager to do something about the assault on our collective dignity and freedom. Please join the grannies who will be there to add our voices to this historic effort.
Protest the Inauguration of Donald Trump Trump's America: Militarism; Trump's World: Nuclear Weapons Friday, January 20, Noon - War Protest @Philadelphia Federal Building 601 Market Street (6th & Market) Join us in growing the anti-war movement. Brandywine Peace Community www.brandywinepeace.com/events 484-574-1148 He has made it abundantly clear what he's going to do. The only question is what we will do to Stop the Madness! Interact Theatre is showing Marcus/ Emma About Marcus Garvey and Emma Goldman relationship, from Jan. 20 thru Feb. 12. Lois received a promo code for Grannies to order tickets. GRANNY27 the code is good for any night other than opening night. For the schedule, go to Interact theater at http://www.interacttheatre.org/calendar/ and the box office number is 215-568-8079 The Ghost Light Project On Thursday, January 19th will start at 5:30 PM, when activists and theater people will gather outside of The Drake with candles, lighters, or illuminated devices to demonstrate that our theatre is a light for people who need it; you can find more about the national movement at https://theghostlightproject.com/
Women's March on Philadelphia January 21, 2017 Ben Franklin Parkway (grannies and friends to meet 9:45am on south side of Swann Memorial Fountain in front of the Academy of Natural Sciences see yellow banner) 10am-3pm (March starts at 10am from Logan Square to Eakins Oval in front of Art Museum and rally at Eakins Oval 12-3pm) On January 21, as many as 20,000 people are expected to attend theWomen’s March on Philadelphia as part of a “sister march” to the Women’s March on Washington taking place the same day in Washington, DC. January 21, 2017 is, of course, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States.What’s incredible about these events, and the sister marches scheduled to take place all over the world, is that they are truly grassroots endeavors. People are simply fed up, and eager to do something about the assault on our collective dignity and freedom. Please join the grannies who will be there to add our voices to this historic effort.
Protest the Inauguration of Donald Trump Trump's America: Militarism; Trump's World: Nuclear Weapons Friday, January 20, Noon - War Protest @Philadelphia Federal Building 601 Market Street (6th & Market) Join us in growing the anti-war movement. Brandywine Peace Community www.brandywinepeace.com/events 484-574-1148 He has made it abundantly clear what he's going to do. The only question is what we will do to Stop the Madness! Interact Theatre is showing Marcus/ Emma About Marcus Garvey and Emma Goldman relationship, from Jan. 20 thru Feb. 12. Lois received a promo code for Grannies to order tickets. GRANNY27 the code is good for any night other than opening night. For the schedule, go to Interact theater at http://www.interacttheatre.org/calendar/ and the box office number is 215-568-8079 The Ghost Light Project On Thursday, January 19th will start at 5:30 PM, when activists and theater people will gather outside of The Drake with candles, lighters, or illuminated devices to demonstrate that our theatre is a light for people who need it; you can find more about the national movement at https://theghostlightproject.com/
Martin Luther King DARE March January 16, 2017 There will not be 4 marches after all. Marchers will gather at 11AM at 6th and Market. The march will start at 11:30 to Mother Bethel Church at 6th and Lombard where there will be a program from noon to 2PM. There will be another planning meeting Saturday January 7, at 6PM at Mother Bethel church.
BENEFIT PARTY for “PHILLY STANDS with STANDING ROCK” Saturday, Dec 3rd 7:30 – 10 pm Summit Church, 6757 Greene St, Mt Airy https://www.facebook.com/events/1219677508114638/ Suggested donation $5-20. No one will be turned away from lack of funds
Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia will gather at 9:30am at the : Arch Building (3601 Locust Walk) on University of Pennsylvania Campus( site of several cultural groups, pretty central and suggested by Penn students.) Thursday, 11/17/16 in support of the Black students at Penn. We will have a banner . Feel free to bring a sign. Grannies Know: Black Lives Matter Let us know if we can expect you
The Coalition for Peace Action (CFPA) will be co-sponsoring the event, "Doctrine of Discovery: Film Screening and Discussion" with Food & Water Watch, New Jersey and the Delaware River Valley and Philadelphia Pachamama Alliance Community on Sunday, November 20 from 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM in Philadelphia (Friends Center 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102). CFPA PA Director Ed Aguilar will be speaking.
Command and Control documentary is playing at Ritz at the Bourse starting September 30, 2016. Show times are 1:30pm, 4:10pm, 7:20pm, and 9:35pm. Location: 400 Ranstead Street, on Fourth Street between Market & Chestnut, Philadelphia, PA, 19106. We are hoping Grannies will go to the film and that some of you would be willing to help with our anti-nuclear leafleting outside the theater. The film documents what can happen with our current poor system of alerts at nuclear weapon bases. If you are interested in pamphleting go to Sign Up Genius http://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0f4eabae28a20-command or contact Linda Battiste at [email protected].
From Robert Kenner, director of the groundbreaking film Food, Inc., comes a high-stakes documentary [Command and Control] thriller—based on Eric Schlosser's critically-acclaimed book of the same name—that reveals the deadly "human error" that led to a little-known accident at the Titan II missile complex in Damascus, Arkansas in 1980. The chilling new documentary explores the unlikely chain of events that caused the accident and the feverish efforts to prevent the explosion of a ballistic missile carrying the most powerful nuclear warhead ever built by the United States—a warhead 600 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. A cautionary tale of freak accidents, near misses, human fallibility and extraordinary heroism, Command and Control forces viewers to confront the frightening dilemma that the U.S. has faced since the dawn of the nuclear age: how do you manage weapons of mass destruction without being destroyed by them? Peace Day Philly http://www.peacedayphilly.org/ Wednesday, September 21 – Peace Day! 11:30am – 12:30pm North East Apron (North Side of City Hall) 5-6:30pm Sing Along For Peace SW corner Rittenhouse Square (Across street from Ethical Society) Meet up at 4:30pm to practice songs for sing along
Jeremy Scahill Lecture: The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government's Secret Drone Warfare Program (Free) Free Library of Philadelphia, September 21, 2016, 7:30pm 1901 Vine Street (between 19th and 20th Streets on the Parkway) Philadelphia, PA 19103 2015
In observance of International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2015, Grannies wrote a letter to Grandmothers of Syria. We gave the letter to Syrian refugee Yousef Abara, who translated it into Arabic and sent it via social media!! Our picture and story made it into Page 2 of the Metro. See the link below: http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/launch.aspx… Philadelphia Metro PHILADELPHIA.METRO.US